25 March 2010

Beyond boxes...

I thought about Lord Krishna, the way he thinks, the way he lives and the way he plays. At one point, he plays with the girls, flirts with them. At another point, he gives a serious discourse of Gita to Arjun. He is as good at playing flute as he is at using his weapon- the Sudarshan Chakra. At one point he gives this statement, “I am the highest goal and the supreme power. Surrender to me and you will attain Nirvana”. At another point, he washes his best friend, Sudama’s feet and wipes them with his own stole.

Probably, very few people can understand the contradictions of Krishna. And those who understand, they are the ones who understand the contradictions of life. Life cannot exist without contradictions. Happiness comes with sadness and vice versa. Success comes with failures and vice versa. All you need is to understand and be aware that living a life means living with totality, with all the contradictions.

North Pole can’t exist without South Pole. The depth of a valley comes only with the height of the mountain. There are positive charges because there are negative charges. They are two sides of the same coin. Even life has no meaning without death. We can think of uncountable opposite forces which can't exist without each other.

The key to living is to accept the situations without judging them, without putting them in the boxes of right or wrong. There is no box; it’s just a creation of our wicked mind. Good thing, bad things; hell, heaven; moralities, immoralities; are all created by us. Following one side and leaving the other deprives us from living a total life.

The problem with optimists is that they always look the brighter side. The problem with pessimist is that they always look at the darker side. Both fail to look at the totality, both fail to understand the reality which cannot exist without the merging of the dark and the bright.

That is why, for me, Krishna symbolizes ‘life’. Surrendering to Krishna means surrendering to life itself. Life which has no beginning and no end, it’s eternal. It’s complete, it’s total and existing without boxes.