29 November 2011

Unfair to life

On every step taken up on the ladder, he forgets to celebrate. But on every fall, he doesn't forget to whine.

On every achievement, he forgets to be grateful to God. But on every failure, he doesn't forget to blame God.

Isn't it being unfair to life?

When he is in school, he's told to study all day to secure his future. "Son, you're in 10th, it's the base, study hard. So you wouldn't have to work too hard in +2."

"Son, you're in 11th, study hard, so that you wouldn't have to break your head in 12th."

"12th is very important. Study hard. You can have fun in college."

"College isn't for fun. You have to work hard to get a job."

"Work like an ass for 2 years, so that you secure your position in the job."

"Work harder, you got to marry and have kids. It takes money to run family."

And the life goes on... actually the life never started. Isn't it being unfair to life?

You use clay to make pots but it's the emptiness inside which you use to store water. You build house with bricks, but it's the space between where you live. You work for 10 hours but it's the remaining 14 hours for which you live, for which you earn. You earn for 6 days and it's for the 7th day for which you earn. You forget this fact and blame life for all the miseries. Isn't it being unfair to life?

Man waits for one big moment of happiness, one big house, one big car, one special person. He forgets that life is made of plenty of small moments of happiness and many special people whom you just need to recognize. I have seen so many such people. And when that big moment comes, they don't know how to celebrate! They would have completely forgotten how to rejoice life! Isn't it being unfair to life?

Maybe he's a man who has a big family to take care of and huge responsibilities on his shoulders. But what's the point of doing everything when his own shoulders are shivering with fatigue? When despite doing everything for so-called 'living', there's no life, isn't it being unfair to life?

And when you're unfair to life, how can you expect life to be fair to you?