24 June 2009

My prayers (my demands)

Dear God/lord/bhagwan/allah/waheguru/whatever they call you

Let me do what I love to do
Let me love what I do

Let me find them whom I love
Let them find me who love me

Grant me the sight to see beyond the horizon
Without losing my sight of what lies beneath my feet

Keep me young to play
Keep me mature enough to understand

Give me strength to fight
Without taking away my sensitivity to feel

Let me forget my limits
Without forgetting my responsibilities

I shall remain a learner throughout my life
And willing to be the master to those I can teach

Don't give me what I want
Give me what I deserve......................because I might deserve more


Dreamer said...

just wish dat the confidence you have in ur prayers that dey'l come true remains...

god bless you!

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