07 January 2011

A letter to Shri Ram

Dear Ramji,

I know it doesn't make sense to write to you because whatever is in our hearts and minds, reaches you without us telling you. Still, I am writing this letter without any reason as most of the things I do without reason only. I rely more on intuitive abilities than reasoning abilities. Yes, I should strike a balance between the two. I'll try, next time.

I am a huge fan of your bhakt Hanuman. I wish I had faith in you as much as he has. Although I have faith in you but not as much as Hanuman has. That's why He could cross the ocean just by taking you name and I couldn't even clear any MBA entrance (till now). Apart from faith, the kind modesty Hanuman has really sweeps me off my feet and I become a bhakt of your bhakt. So much power, intelligence, knowledge,wisdom, 8 sidhis and 9 nidhis He has but He's always humble about it.

Few words about you, Ramji. I know you are infinite. "Hari anantaa.. Hari katha anantaa", still I want words about you to flow because 'words' are what we mortals rely on sometimes when love overflows. Yes, I love you. I know you love me too because you love everyone. Infact, you are love itself. You are the sun which spreads warmth and light everywhere without any bias. Whether we take that warmth or not is our choice, but you do shower it on us.

Sometimes, I do get disheartened and morose that I am not getting what I want. At that time, I think about you and I think that if you don't want it for me, I also don't want it for myself. In your will lies my happiness. Don't mind Ramji, but before thinking this, I do try to change your will by my own Karma. Your next incarnation, Krishna, gave this knowledge that God gave humans the power of Karma which lies in the hands of humans itself. Therefore, if your will is not what I want, if I don't get what I want, I can think of only 2 reasons: Either my Karma is not enough or it's not your will, sometimes both the reasons.

I know Ramji that you want the best for me and you have already written my life story. Unlike other people say that what is written can't be changed, I believe that you can change what is written if we change our Karma. My mentor, Narsingh Goenka, tells me that if I have to ask anything from you, I shall ask for Bhakti and Love. But I want to add an extra thing to it. Ramji, give me strength to take the blows of life and improve my Karma (I need to learn hard-work and perseverance). You must be knowing about that movie: ROCKY. It's my most favorite movie series. In the last part, Rocky says, "It's not about how hard you can hit. No matter how hard you hit, life can hit you back harder. It's about how hard you can get hit and still move forward." That is why Ramji, I asked you to give me strength.

Ok Ramji. I gotta go now. No no, I am not going anywhere where you can't reach me because such a place doesn't exist. You can reach me anywhere because you are everywhere. I gotta go to office to do my donkey work. I know you are teaching me hard-work, perseverance, acceptance and patience by sending me to that office where I work like a donkey without enjoying at all. I'll learn these things soon so that you get me out of it. I know this secret of yours. Whenever you want someone to learn something, you keep pushing him and make him do it until he learns. You put obstacles in our path so that we fall and learn to pick ourselves up. You put difficulties behind us so that we learn to run. You scare us with dangers so that we can stay awake. You actually make our job easier to reach our ultimate goal, but we fools don't understand.

Anyways, about the picture that I have placed in this letter, it's my favorite picture because it depicts you and Hanuman as one. I believe that Ram and Hanuman are actually ONE. "Swami" and "Sevak" or "Bhagwan" and "Bhakt" are just roles. Hanuman is the 11th incarnation of Shiva. You are the 7th incarnation of Vishnu. Shiva and Vishnu worship each other. Even in Vedas it is mentioned that someone who wouldn't understand the oneness of Shiva and Vishnu won't reach God. Shiva and Vishnu together symbolize all the aspects of LIFE. Thus, You and Hanuman hugging each other reminds me of your oneness. Thus, this picture is my favorite.

Your Bhakt,
Ankur Oberai


narsia said...

Dear Ankur,
I read your letter to Ramji, very carefully. You write so good and can express yourself so nice, it is itself a biggest blessing of Sri Ramji on u. I m nvr good in writing, evn cant write correct grammatically, which prevents me to convey my feelings to proper place and evn to Sri Ramji. See evn Sri Ramji smiling because he has to hear me less dat way :D
I want to say few words in contest to ur letter wid a hope u will take it in right spirit.
U have wrote very correct dat Sri Hanumanji is the biggest bhakt of Sri Ram rather none b4 him nor evn near to Him. Sri Hanumanji was the alone bhakt of Sri Ram who asked His bhakti 4 ever with out expectation expect the company of Sri Ramji. His bhakti was selfless and he was always eager to serve Sri Ram instead of demanding or questioning Him.
You are correct too whn u say we have our right on our Karma onli not in its result. But in spite of our best effort we cant ignore our expectations. Whn we expect sm thing , it pains us bcos our all expectations nvr come true, it not bcos we don deserve it but may be we deserve some thing better den wt we have expected. As u said Sri Ramji is our biggest well wisher He see beyond wt we see instant. We judge all our success and failure on da back ground of our present expectation.Whn a kid don get chocolate wt he demands do cries coz he cant knw he was prevented from it for his good only.
You look upset whn u don see ne light of ray for ur preplanned course of Mba. But Mba is mere a degree [ though ur dat option is not yet over ] not every thing nor da only key of success of life. You may think of short term but being ur supreme guardian Sri Ramji must have thought sm thing much bigger den dat. Future of any MBBS MBA MTECH is limited to certain limit, wch can make sm1 happy [?] to a certain limited only de nvr fly dat high wch a person with real gyan, vision nd presence of mind can. Mahatma Gandhi, JRD Tata, Dhiru bhai Ambani, G D Birla, none of dem had ne such degree but de cud hire many such degree holder coz de had vision, determination and grt faith on "dere" Sri Ramji.
I saw da same qualities in u wch are more imp 4 me may be 4 Sri Ramji too. I m sure He don want to restrict ur 'fly' in a limited extent but wana gv u bigger sky or canvas whr u can move and prove urself.
Like gen ppl help Leaders to form Govt wch agn rules dem. Thus Bhakt always glorify God more and establish God as God. God hardly glorified any bhakt coz de want dat too . De onli want to be ruled and guided by dere God.
Maine Ramayan padhli hai
Baat ye bhi bhai jaanli hai
Sita Mile na Sri Ramji ke bina
Par pata sita ka chale na Hanuman ke bina
Rawan Mare na Sri Ram ke bina
Par Sanjeeban Mile na Hanuman ke bina ..
I will try to reply to ur rest of the points too sm tym 4 sure
keep happy smiling nd keep ur trust nd faith intact on Sri Ramji
Jay ho!! RAM RAM :)
Jay ho!! RAM RAM :)

garima said...

wow!! really great.. this is what faith is.. pure faith..! both the posts are amazing..yours ,and goenka uncle's comment.. i feel so small after reading these posts.. I think i don't even deserve to say anything.. both the posts are simply divine! straight from heart.. and when the words come straight from heart , it doesnt matter if the language is correct or not.. the feelings say it all.. great spirit , great post!
jai shri ram! :) :)

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