26 April 2009

Shades of grey

“You don’t see the world the way it is. You see the world the way you are.” (I don’t remember who said these lines). Whenever someone has told me not to trust anybody, I don’t know about anybody but I haven’t trusted that person who said this. He saw the world as a mass of deceits and I concluded that he himself is a deceit. We feel about the world the way we feel for ourselves.

Someone who has just seen kindness and happiness in his life will think throughout his life that the world is kind. For him, all that glitters is gold. And when he is impinged by the ‘bad’ part of the world, he just cannot take it. He falls apart. All his expectations, all his perceptions about the world are shattered.

Now, when someone has just seen the ‘bad face’ of the world, and when goodness tries to hug him, he cannot take it. It’s awkward to him. He suspects the beauty of life. He suspects everything that is good. For him, all that glitters is an illusion.

I have seen all the shades of grey from black to white. I found out early that the best way to judge is not to judge. When you judge, you don’t have time to love. It’s best to understand. It’s important to walk a mile in someone’s shoes before having an opinion about him. The world is neither good nor bad, it’s our perception that makes it so.


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