03 April 2009

United I fall

What is the difference between ‘complete’ and ‘finish’?
When you get the right partner, you feel complete. When you get the wrong partner, you are finished!

But what if, one is getting a wrong one every time. In my case, whenever I have been with someone, my life had got screwed badly. In the beginning everything seems lovely but slowly things decay. The more I try to slow or end the decay process, faster it happens. So what makes me take the risk of screwing my life again and again? Why do I venture into a disaster called ‘relationship’? I won’t say it’s because of faith. Faith is not wanting to know what’s true. But I want to know the truth. And the truth is that I am too tempted to get with someone. It’s the highs of a relationship that takes me higher (although they make lows more frequent). They say, “Why to repeat mistakes when you have so many new ones to make?” But I keep on sucking the sweet poisonous nectar from the wild flower of love. I am addicted, truly madly, deeply.

It’s my demands, dynamism and over romanticism that leads the relationship to the zenith. Then, a tipping point comes when everything falls down to the mother earth, shattered and ruined. I have learnt to throw the ball up but haven’t yet learnt to catch it when it comes down. May be, I don’t even see it coming down. My vision might be myopic or may be I am too distracted while playing with other balls. Whatever the case is, fault lies in me. I don’t want to be the king who spread the carpet in his entire kingdom to save his feet from thorns. I’d rather wear shoes, Nike may be ;)


garima said...

true..:) nice blog..gud wrk.. :)

Dreamer said...

lol..and i thought it happens with me only all d time :)

truly said...but the questions still remain unanswered!to be or not 2 be?

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