18 April 2009

No regrets

The need to be always right is the biggest bar to new ideas (Edward De Bono, my favorite author). I thought my step taken to accept TCS offer letter is wrong. Although reluctant, I took this step with a faith in my destiny (Oh my God! I used 3 words which I seldom use in writing: faith, destiny and God). Sometimes, few small words mean something big when life is going haywire.

As few days unveiled to me my true nature, I think it was a right step. Right step? I don’t know, I don’t categorize things in right and wrong, I categorize things in “can do” and “cannot do”, and I can do this. I had a belief (which in few days was proven to be a self delusion) that I can pursuit writing and graphology as a full time career. I started writing scripts for an online radio show on daily basis. I was enjoying it until it became a compulsion. I couldn’t stand writing for them daily on the topic that they gave me which was always around love. It was then that I realized that I cannot do anything which becomes a compulsion, which takes away my freedom. If I hadn’t accepted TCS offer letter, it would have become a compulsion to write and to pursuit graphology. Sooner or later, I would have got frustrated.

I have an analogy for this. Do you like mangoes? If yes, start eating them one after another. Soon, you’ll get bored of the taste. But, if you steal them from a neighborhood tree, you can have all of them and you would never get fed up. The fun lies in the chase, not the prey. Mango is the prey and stealing them is the chase.

Why do you think kings in the olden times used to go hunting? Couldn’t they hire someone to catch the prey for them and the kings themselves shoot the prey in the cage? No! A big no! That would have weaned them from the fun that lies in the chase.

So, finally, I’ll have fun in stealing time for my passion and hobbies. While I am working as a rat, I can always nibble on my favorite food, that are, writing and graphology. So, no regrets (for the time being).

Enough of this long stretched episode of TCS in my blog. Hopefully, you’ll see something new next time.


Dreamer said...

absolutely right.... :)

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