11 May 2009


Feelings are like water. Let it flow, let it overflow sometimes, let it flood sometimes, let it fertile the land, let it be lively. If you try to stop the flow, the stagnant water will breed parasites. If you try to store it in a cistern, it will evaporate soon. If you always want to cherish the freshness of feelings, let them flow.

Sometimes, when the feelings are too much and cannot be expressed in any way, I find comfort in tears. It drains out all the unsaid, unexpressed emotions. It lightens my heavy heart. The brittleness of glass is not its weakness but its finesse .I thank nature that it has given me the strength to cry, the courage to be honest with my feelings, the finesse of being sensitive enough to feel. Eyes are the window to the soul and sometimes I love to clean that window with the product of my trapped feelings. I don’t take the shelter of bottle when I am in a rut. I don’t hide myself behind the smoke when I am vulnerable. I face it on my face. I don’t run away. I shed water from eyes as a result of my honesty with myself.

Those who say “I don’t cry” are the ones who are the weakest. They are the ones who are sooner or later suppressed by their own feelings in the attempt to suppress their feelings. They are the ones who cannot seek comfort in themselves but find solace in others. I pity on them. They are the ones who build glass walls around themselves so that they are never hurt. The glass wall might protect them from getting hurt but it will also prevent them from being touched, from being felt, from being in the real joy of love.


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