01 May 2009

V for Victim

Victims, victims everywhere. These days I am surrounded by victims of fate. Everyone loves to self sympathize being victims of circumstances. Of course, that’s the easy way. It’s so easy to feel pity on oneself, it’s so easy to feel sympathy on oneself, it’s even easier to cry over your fate and blame God or luck or the supreme power for all your misfortunes. It’s never their fault, it’s always someone else’s fault. They love to believe that there’s nothing in their hands and they’re powerless. They fail to think that if it’s never their fault, they can never take responsibility, if they cannot take responsibility, they will always be victims. But that’s what they love to be: Victim! That’s what is easier to be: Victim! That’s what they think will make them moral, to be a: Victim!

Courage is what they lack. It takes courage, efforts and strength to be a master of circumstances. Responsibility is what they cannot take, responsibility for their actions. They cannot choose the tougher path which is to take everything in their hands and stop blaming other factors for their misfortunes. It’s easier to be happy if one has courage to be happy. The secret to happiness is freedom, and the secret to freedom is courage. They just cannot let themselves free from their self created shackles. Shackles that hold them to the past, shackles that bound them to think that being a victim is the solution to all their problems, shackles that don’t let them move on.

Victims believe that people who are happy are immoral. Their mind is conditioned on a sub-conscious level that it’s immoral to be happy. The one who moves on is probably the one who never loved or who never considered others as important. The one who has courage will go to hell and God will punish him for being happy. The one who believes himself to be the master of circumstances is despised by the victims and secretly envied too. Victims cannot stand anyone being happy. It makes them even more miserable. By seeing misery around them, they feel less miserable, their burden is lightened and they can console themselves that the world is miserable so it’s perfectly natural to be miserable. But the truth is that being happy is in accordance with nature. There’s always a harmony in nature. Birds sing; flowers and trees dance to the wind; animals also live in accordance to nature. But we humans always go against nature. Nature has given us all rights to live our way. Victims just don’t have the courage to accept the rights.

I am sick of victims around me. They induce sadness around them. I am tired of catching their diseases by trying to pretend that victims are good people and I should do something for them. I cannot do anything for them. They have to do something for themselves. Let me handle my own life, they can handle theirs if they want to.

P.S.: the name of my blog ;)


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